Our Mission and Goals
1. Purity in worship: We are called to build an UNCUT STONE ALTAR (worship unspoiled by any man-made ideas and methods) to the Lord. We do not worship our worship, music, talents, gifts, nor people. Pure heart ready to listen to and obey God alone with no other ambition is our uncut stone altar to the Lord our God.
2. Beholding God’s face ministry: To love the Lord God is the first and the greatest commandment to all men. Seeking and beholding the face of Jesus in His beauty and holiness is our prior ministry. We seek His presence in everything we do. This will be a secret place for God alone where the lovers of Jesus Christ seek the face of God and enjoy His presence through learning His Word and worship and prayer. Lingering on the Lord is our only method and mean we will use. Patience and endurance will be our highest virtue.
3. Bible is the foundation of our prayer/worship and our whole life: We pray with the Harp and Bowl model in which all forms of prayer (singing prayer, declaring prayer) are based on the Word of God. We believe praying with the Word of God is effective. Also, we build our life and relationship based on the Word of God.
3. Prophetic intercession for all nations: Our main goal is to bring INCENSE (Intercession for nations and saints) to the throne of God in the leading of the Spirit. We listen to God’s heart and strategy from the Holy Spirit’s leadership. Waiting and listening to the Holy Spirit then obeying Him in prayer and worship is our only way to minister to the nations from the Father’s throne.
4. Building up intercessors and family: We build houses of prayers in all members by disciplining and teaching the lovers of Christ to become His mighty army of intercessors who would grow into the character of Jesus to do the ministry of Jesus through intercession. We believe in the power of spiritual discipline in transforming us into the image of Jesus and bringing Kingdom on earth by joining in His intercession through being one with Him by the Spirit. We also believe in building up a family relation of intercessors and worshippers in this house of prayer.
5. Preparing the Lord’s return: Our ultimate mission is to prepare the way of our coming King Jesus as we wait on His return in anticipation and prayer.